
We welcome articles, reviews, and long-form essays that critically assess contemporary politics and theory from a communist perspective, to historicise ideas, movements, and events and place them in their proper context.

Our articles tend to be around vary from 2,000-6,000 words but we are lenient with this if necessary. Our book reviews range from 1,500-3,000 words.

When you submit an article, please also include a short biography of one or two sentences about yourself to be included with your article.

If you wish to propose a long-form essay of 15,000-20,000 words to published as a short book, such as the recent Neglect in the North of Ireland, please email us to discuss the project.

Style guidelines

·         12pt Times New Roman font should be used with single spacing

·         Single rather than double quotation marks

·         British English spelling

·         Please use MHRA-style footnotes. No bibliography is necessary

·         Hyperlinks should be used if you are quoting or referencing online content, and ideally this linked content won’t be paywalled

All articles and reviews published on is under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License unless stated otherwise.

You can submit either a proposal or full article in a Word document to for consideration.

Legacies of Black Radicalism in Britain

For the details on the Call for Proposals for the upcoming special issue ‘Legacies of Black radicalism in Britain’, please click here.